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Ca Mau Cape - the last land of the country - the southernmost place of the country - where there are co-ordinates marking the sacred sovereignty of the nation. This is the destination that any traveler wants to come to check in. Invite you to follow the footprints of the writer to visit Cape Ca Mau.

"Our country is like a ship, our bow is Ca Mau"

Cape Ca Mau - land where the end of the country

In the minds of Vietnamese people, Mui Ca Mau has always been a very sacred symbol. This is where the end of the country has the southernmost co-ordinate of the country. Speaking of Mui Ca Mau, everyone once wished to set foot and touch the national GPS coordinate landmark 0001.
Ca Mau Cape is located about 100km from Ca Mau City. This destination is located in Xom Mui, Dat Mui commune, Ngoc Hien district, Ca Mau province. A special feature is the left of Cape Ca Mau is the East Sea, while right of the Cape is the West Sea. This area is also quite special, the sea here does not have the beach like other places. Just one step away from the mainland you have touched the vast ocean.
In fact, on the map, Ca Mau Cape is not the southernmost point of the country but rather the "southernmost region of the country". Ca Mau cape is just the westernmost point of Ca Mau province.

Visiting Cape Ca Mau land has nothing?

To visit this area, you must buy an entrance ticket (10k / person). In the past, there was a 21m high observatory, visitors can climb here to admire Dat Mui from above. However, this project has been broken.
Currently, visiting Mui Ca Mau, visitors can see the GPS 0001 coordinate landmark; check in pano icon Cape Ca Mau, experience a day as a fisherman in Mui ...

GPS milestones 0001

Have checked in Mui Ca Mau, do not forget to touch the GPS landmark 0001 (kilometer 0). The landmark is located right in the eco-tourism area in Ca Mau cape, in the territory of Mui village, Dat Mui commune, Ngoc Hien district, Ca Mau province. This is considered as the first point on the country map, marking Vietnam's territorial sovereignty on the mainland. Standing here and aware of this, you will feel sacred and truly touched.
GPS milestones 0001
Check in the National GPS coordinates marker 0001

Check in the cape icon Ca Mau

GPS 0001 milestone is not an ideal shooting location, the iconic Mui Ca Mau logo is a great check-in point. Located in an airy position, the boat is about to surf offshore. The boat-shaped panel as a symbol of the strength of the country is ready to reach the sea.
At this panel, you can check in with a red flag with a yellow star, check in with a motorbike, or check in with your colleagues or a picture alone looking far away will be very cool. It's not easy for anyone to reach the South Pole!
Pano cape icon Ca Mau
Remember the memory when you arrived in the South Pole of the country. Photo: danhtran0805

Visit the last point of Ho Chi Minh road

After touching the GPS 0001 landmark and check in the icon of Cape Ca Mau, you continue to the embankment area. This is the only place in Vietnam that has three sides to the sea. This is also the last point of the legendary Ho Chi Minh road.

Watch the sunset and dawn of Mui Land

The best time, moment and scenery in Cape Ca Mau is at sunset - when the red sun gradually sets into the sea and the first rays of the day begin to rise from the distance. Somewhere is the sound of the waves breaking on the dike, the sound of water splashing on the sides of the boat, the sound of the boats going fishing in the early morning ... All will give you ecstatic feelings.
Sunset at Mui Ca Mau
Watch the sunset at Mui Land

Mui Ca Mau National Park

Mui Ca Mau National Park includes Cape Ca Mau. Tourists come here to take advantage of the beauty of the mangrove ecosystem of Mui Ca Mau National Park. This is the site of the second Ramsar site in the Mekong Delta, the fifth in Vietnam and the 2088th in the world. It has also been recognized by UNESCO as a World Biosphere Reserve.

Experience a day as a fisherman in Dat Mui

Coming to Dat Mui, you can join a day as a Dat Mui fisherman by taking tours at the tourist area or nearby homestays. You can also book tours from travel agencies.
The experience will be: swim dinghy to visit mangroves, participate in fishing with tools: fishing, fishing or fishing, folding like people.
In the evening, you will be able to participate in many activities with locals such as squatting on the square, ordering shrimp to catch shrimp, trimming the three sides ... Finally enjoying the barbecue (seafood) of the harvested seafood.
Enjoy specialties of Ca Mau: wild and unique
Ca Mau is a southern coastal province of the country, so the most abundant specialty here is seafood. Coming to Ca Mau, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the famous dishes from near and far: three areas of Rach Goc, roasted tamarind, dried squid, Ca Mau crabs, grilled scallop, onion, grilled mackerel and salt chili ...

Sightseeing Cape Ca Mau should combine to go?

Along with visiting Dat Mui and checking in the landmarks, the iconic cape of Ca Mau cape, visitors can combine to visit a range of nearby tourist attractions such as Hon Da Bac, Hon Khoai, Ca Mau bird garden (Lam Vien bird park in the center of Ca Mau city), etc. and a range of other tourist areas.

Silver stone

Located more than 50 km from Ca Mau City, Hon Da Bac is a beautiful island group of 3 islands close to the coast. Coming here, visitors can visit the National Historic Site - where the CM12 project of the Ca Mau army and people, visit the National Security Protection Monument, CAND Museum, Uncle Ho Temple ...
Next, you can visit the Ong Ong temple - an important spiritual place of the people of the sea, visit Ban Tay Tien and Ban Chan Tien with natural stone. Around noon, we can depart to visit the Ten Sweet Community Ecological Park and have lunch there.

Hon Khoai

Hon Khoai Island is located in the southeast of Mui Ca Mau, in Tan An Commune, Ngoc Hien District, located 20km from the mainland. There is thick, abundant primeval forest cover. In particular, the flora has more than 1,400 species (with timber trees such as ironwood, spoon, cinnamon, yellow tea, lagerstroemia, otter, burnt ...), the fauna is also very diverse with many species such as wild boar, snake, monitor, python.
On the island there are 2 beaches, including Big Beach in the Southeast and Small Beach in the North. Besides, the top of Khoai Island has a lighthouse built by France in 1920 that is also worth visiting.

Ca Mau bird garden

Ca Mau Bird Park is located in the Cultural Park, also known as Lam Vien May 19. Bird Park is located on Ngo Quyen Street, about 4km from the city center.
Here, in addition to the bird garden, inside there is Uncle Ho memorial area, you can go inside to light incense.
Birds in Ca Mau bird sanctuary are abundant in both quantity and type, but to see the birds, the best time is early in the morning or in the evening, when birds prepare to forage and return to their nests. At this time, birds appear more, distracting the whole area of ​​a tree.
Ca Mau bird garden
Ca Mau bird garden

When should I go to Mui Ca Mau?

Going to Mui Ca Mau, you can go all the time of the year. Each season here has a unique beauty. However, you go to Ca Mau around July 7 to 8 lunar calendar will have the opportunity to enjoy the dish Rach Rach Goc right taste.
Particularly from May to November is the rainy season, in which August - October is the most rainy so the weather is not the most ideal to travel.
To admire the beautiful scenery at the southernmost pole of the Country, you should choose the time of sunrise and sunset. These are 2 great times to watch the sunset as well as for the early sunshine.
Due to the special geographical position: On the left is the East Sea, on the right is the West Sea, Ca Mau Cape is the only point in Vietnam that can see the big sun, reddish, diving in West and spring in the East.

What to eat when visiting Mui Ca Mau

Visiting Dat Mui Ca Mau, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the specialties of Ca Mau such as grilled mudskipper with chili salt, Grilled scallop with onion, Grilled shrimp with salt and chilli, Grilled squid with satay, Snails with fried lemongrass and chilli , Three-dimensional roasted tamarind, oyster porridge, seafood porridge, seafood hotpot (shrimp, squid, clam, crab, fish ...).

Stay while visiting Mui land

Currently, if you visit Dat Mui Ca Mau, visitors can stay at some homestays located quite close to Ca Mau Cape. With these homestays, visitors will have the opportunity to experience a life of Dat Mui fishermen.
In addition, depending on the tour itinerary, visitors can choose to stay at hotels in the central area of ​​Ca Mau city or stay at the hotel in Nam Can to facilitate travel.

Directions to Ca Mau from TP. HCM

To visit Dat Mui Ca Mau from Ho Chi Minh City, tourists need to move to Ho Chi Minh City. Ca Mau, from Ca Mau city to Nam Can, then moved to Dat Mui.
Directions to Ca Mau from Ho Chi Minh City
Mui Ca Mau is about 422 km south of Ho Chi Minh City. Can be divided into 2 stages

From TP. Ho Chi Minh City to Ca Mau City:

From TP. If traveling by motorbike or car, tourists can go in the following direction: CT01 -> ĐT 878 -> along Highway 1A -> to Nga Bay town, then turn right via Quan Lo - Phung Hiep - > going to Trần Hưng Đạo to the city.
Distance is 310 km. Travel time is about 6 hours 16 minutes, depending on the traffic situation.
Provinces passing through: Long An - Tien Giang - Vinh Long - Can Tho - Soc Trang - Ca Mau.

From Ca Mau City to Mui Ca Mau Land:

There are 2 ways: by car straight to Dat Mui or by car to Nam Can and then from Nam Can pier by boat / canoe / interest rate to Dat Mui.
Car: From TP. Ca Mau to Nam Can is a large road, all vehicles can enter smoothly. However, the road from Nam Can to Dat Mui a few years ago could not be reached by road. To date, 29-seat cars have traveled. However, the route will go through many bridges. There are now many bridges with traces of cracks, bridges and ledges that have differences in height, causing shock when cars come up and down the bridge. Therefore, it is advisable to give priority to cars with 16 seats or less.
Motorboat: from Nam Can Pier, guests can take the train of boat services at the wharf. The average fare for a canoe from Nam Can to Dat Mui is VND 1,700,000 / trip for groups of 1-6 people.
In addition, you can also exchange with people in the pier, rely on your diplomatic skills to hitchhike or pay off interest at a cheaper price.